vendredi 7 décembre 2007

Final Exam

December 7th 2007 Francis Tremblay
Francis Bonkowski English 102b

Final writing exam
The Pascua Lama project

Chile is one of the richest country in South America. Its government, headed by Michelle Bachelet is renowned as socialist. The Canadian company, Barrick Gold that has mines all around the world plans to implant a gold mine in Chile and Argentina, in a site named Pascua Lama. The issues concerning this project are numerous. It is questionable environmentally and socially. We think this project should not go ahead in the actual context. It is, at the moment environmentally unsafe and socially unacceptable.

A major site of extraction of a metal, such as gold cannot be friendly with the environment. The toxic waste released in water is really concerning, and Barrick Gold has not planned any solution to this problem. The contamination of the water may not be significant for the population, but it is for the ecosystem. As we know, the Canadian standards about toxic waste are really severe to preserve the ecosystem. If we have these standards here, there is a reason. I think, to respect Chilean people, we should impose to ourselves the same standards to be fair. Therefore, Barrick Gold should take the responsibility to clean their toxic waste in Chile and ensure to respect the highest standards as if the mine was in Canada.

Also, studies about environmental concerns should be done by independent experts, engaged by a neutral party without any interest in the project to ensure the legitimacy of the data.

Socially, the project is unacceptable. By contaminating water and polluting, the communities will be directly touched by the project. As we know, Barrick Gold organized forums to consult the locals and have their opinion on the subject. This initiative is great, but how can these people set their opinion when the only side of the project they see, is the mining company side? So, of course they were in favor of the project.
Even though the actual socialist government approves the project, there are still some issues to clarify before step forward in the exploitation of the gold. The objectivity of this government is questionable. Even if they claim they are always there to defend the people there is clearly some work that has not been done.

The real matter is that they will have a job in a mining company for a certain amount of time, with work conditions that will probably be mediocre. They will also probably have to be in contact with toxic elements that are harmful. The reality is that Barrick Gold does not have any precision on the work conditions of the Chileans and how they are going to use them. Without clear engagement by the mining company that they will treat Chileans decently, we cannot approve this project.

The mining company Barrick Gold is blurred about their intentions in Chile. They do not state clearly enough that they will respect the environment and that they will not exploit Chileans. In this optical, we think the project should be put on hold until these issues are solved.

500 words

vendredi 19 octobre 2007

Mid Term writing exam

October 19th 2007 Francis Tremblay
Francis Bonkowski English 102B


Over history, there was multiple ways to educate children. In the ancient Greek tradition, the idea of a sane spirit in a sane body was privileged and sport was a big part of education. In the Renaissance, only wealthy people could access to a good education which was very centered on ancient Latin readings and a very intellectual method. In our actual society, we have experienced a lot of different education style to prepare as well as possible our children to be good citizens. There are schools for child athletes, others for brilliant intellectuals, some with a cooperative education and so one. I thought it was interesting that all these choices were offered to our students, but, I have my personal opinion on good education.

I think it is good that a child that pursues the dream to become a high level athlete has a school that is adapted to his reality. I think that if the student has the same educational program as every child in the province, but in a schedule that fits with his training, there is nothing bad. I thought it was impressive how much parents can be supportive of their child. Some were ready to pay a lot of money or to move to another province or country to realize their child’s dream. It is important for athletes to have a good education to be able to work after a career in sports.

Cooperative education is a way children can learn while integrating a group and cooperate with peers. It is not that bad, but not that good. I think that cooperative education has not proved any success up to now that is valuable enough to claim its greatness. I might sound a little old, but I think this kind of education based on skills instead of on knowledge is weak because you need knowledge to develop skills.

With our wonderful English teacher this term, we worked a lot in link with our educational fields. As an international relations student, I had the chance to discuss about it and build a survey out of it. I thought it was interesting to learn a little bit about our classmates’ programs and interests. It gave the group a closeness that is not usual in these kind of classes.

Education is a way society gave herself to form good citizens that are aware of the world around them and that can solve problems based on their knowledge. There are different ways to educate a child based on his personality, but an education with a lot of sports and a serious and traditional academic work opened to the world, as I was used to, is very good, I think. In the future, maybe we’ll see even more types of schools that will bring something better or something worst on our educational service, but we will have to decide what is best for our children.

485 words

vendredi 31 août 2007

I am weak, I am strong, I want to be better.

In English, I think I still have some difficulties in writing. I want to avoid grammar and spelling mistakes. In general, I think I am quite fluent in speaking, but I learned by watching TV shows which don't use often high-level vocabulary. So, on that side, I think I should learn more vocabulary and avoid syntactical errors. In listening I am quite good. I got my ear used to English by watching TV, movies and music. Although, there is still work to do and I won't quit listening movies in English. I don't read a lot in English and my understanding of written works isn't always easy. I think I can improve this by reading more often and try to search for the words I don't get.

jeudi 30 août 2007

Vanessa Mercier

I got to know a very interesting person last Friday. Vanessa Mercier is an hedonist whose goal is to live and enjoy life. She doesn't have any financial aspirations, just to live as happy as possible. She has been living in an apartment since she was 14, which is pretty impressive. According to Vanessa, her appartment is beautiful and she is proud of it. She was the lead singer in a Romeo & Juliet musical which had a lot of success and was really appreciated by the audience. It was presented twice in her high school. She doesn't only sing, she dance and write as well. She is a ballet dancer and she writes short stories. Moreover, she won a prize for one of her short stories back in high school. As a litterature student, she is especially interested in French writings. She really likes to learn and even more to teach. She likes to transmit her knowledge and may be interested in a teaching career.